Kamis, 23 April 2015

Every people who enter or exit the Indonesian Territory

Article 9

(1) Every people who enter or exit the Indonesian Territory shall be obliged to pass through a check conducted by the Immigration Officer at Immigration Checkpoint Venue.
(2) Check as contemplated in paragraph (1) includes Travel Document check and/or legal identity.
(3) In the event that any doubt upon Travel Document validity and/or identity of someone, the Immigration Officer shall be authorized to undertake a search against the body and luggage and can be proceeded by the Immigration investigation process


Article 113

Any person who knowingly enters or exit the Indonesian Territory without passing through an examination by the Immigration Officer at Immigration Checkpoint Venue as contemplated in Article 9 paragraph (1) shall be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of 1 (one) year and/or fine sentence at the maximum of Rp 100,000,000,00 (one hundred million Rupiah).


Section Four
Obligation of Person in Charge of Transport Tool
Article 17

(1) Person in Charge of Transport Tool that enters or exits the Indonesian Territory with the transport tool shall be obliged to pass through the Immigration Checkpoint Venue.
(2) Person in Charge of Transport Tool that carries the passengers that will enter or exit the Indonesian Territory can only disembark or embark the passenger at the Immigration Checkpoint Venue.
(3) The ship officer shall be obliged to prohibit the Foreigner who complies with no requirements to leave his/her transport tool during the transport tool is in the Indonesian Territory. 

Article 20

The Immigration Officer who is in duty authorized embarking to the transport tool that anchors in the port, lands at airport, or is in the border crossing post for the interest of Immigration check.

Article 21

In case of an alleged violation to the provision as contemplated in Article 17 or Article 18, the Immigration Officer is authorized to order the Person in Charge of Transport Tool in order to stop or carry his/her transport tool into a place for the purposes of Immigration check. 

Article 114

(1) Person in Charge of Transport Tool that enters or exits the Indonesian Territory with his/her transport tool without passing through the Immigration Checkpoint Venue as contemplated in Article 17 paragraph (1) shall be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of 1 (one) year and/or fine sentence at the maximum of Rp100,000,000,00 (one hundred million Rupiah).
(2) Person in Charge of Transport Tool that intentionally disembark or embark the passenger without passing through an examination of the Immigration Officer or landing examining personnel at the Immigration Checkpoint Venue as contemplated in Article 17 paragraph (2) shall be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of 2 (two) years and/or fine sentence at the maximum of Rp200,000,000,00 (two hundred million Rupiah). 

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